Coffee Sapiens Karaköy
Karaköy is one of the most popular districts of Istanbul. The clientele is young and dynamic, gravitating towards this area. It has an ambiance fitting for coffee culture, being warm and intimate, and the customers are open to novelty and diversity. In particular, our location on the Kılıc Ali Pasa Mescidi Sokak fits perfectly with our concept due to the uniqueness of each establishment. Each venue focuses on a different aspect, attracting customers with its diversity. Our small Karakoy branch was completely demolished and redesigned with the touch of Architect Asuman Koroğlu. We tried to transform the venue into a coffee shop where customers can not only stand and drink coffee but also directly watch the coffee-making process at a coffee bar, allowing guests to communicate with the barista. In our place, alongside Espresso-based drinks, we also use special brewing methods to brew coffee in its most natural form and strive to bring out the flavors in the most flawless manner.